Medications & Hurricane Season

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As we approach the peak of hurricane season, it’s important to take a moment to make sure you’re prepared for the next severe weather event that may head our way. Including your medications in your planning is a critical step in staying safe before, during, and after a storm.

What to Pack

These items should be packed in a weatherproof container and kept in a cool, dry place.

  • At least a 2-week supply of your medications
  • Complete list of your medications
  • Photo ID
  • Insurance cards
  • Primary Care Provider contact information
  • Emergency contact Information
  • Cash or checks, in case pharmacies are unable to process credit cards
  • Tamper-proof lock, if you’re going to be around others

Additional supplies such as coolers and icepacks or a generator should be on hand for medications requiring refrigeration. Review the medication packaging or talk to your pharmacist about storage requirements, as some refrigerated medications may be kept at room temperature for short periods of time.

Prescription medications aren’t the only items you may need to pick up. Be sure to check your supply of commonly used over the counter (“OTC”) medications as well as first-aid supplies. Many Medicare prescription drug plans offer a benefit card to help cover the cost of these items.

Prescription Refills

Make sure you stay up to date on your prescription refills year-round. Take advantage of services available at your pharmacy such as 90/100-day supplies, automatic refill, refill reminders, mail order or delivery, and digital notifications to help you stay on track.

Florida state law allows for early prescription refills under a state of emergency:

  • Refill a 30-day supply of your medication under your prescription drug plan, regardless of how recently you filled it
  • If you are out of refills, pharmacists may refill up to a 30-day supply of medications essential to the maintenance of life or to the continuation of therapy in a chronic condition
  • Note, these laws do not include Schedule II controlled substances.

After the storm, the RxOpen tool can help you locate open pharmacies in impacted areas:

Millennium Physician Group is dedicated to your health and safety during hurricane season and year-round. If you have questions, talk with your physician and care team today.

Millennium Physician Group… Your connection to a healthier life.



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