Author: Millennium Physician Group
UPDATED AS OF AUGUST 4, 2021 — Delta Dominance The highly contagious delta variant of the COVID-19 virus now accounts for the majority of COVID-19 infections and is fueling a nationwide increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. This is especially true in Florida. Some counties in Millennium’s service areas have been particularly impacted, including […]
Watch Now COVID-19 cases are ramping up, and while the numbers of vaccinations are increasing, hoaxes and misinformation are showing no signs of slowing down. Millennium Physician Group Chief Medical Officer Alejandro Perez-Trepechio sets the record straight. MYTH: I had COVID-19, so I don’t need a vaccine. “The question that we often get is […]
Watch Now If taking a deep breath is a challenge, you could be one of millions with the undiagnosed condition COPD. COPD is a common condition and it can’t be cured, but you can easily diagnose and treat this chronic lung disease. “Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a disease of the lungs where different […]
Watch Now Click Here to watch this Millennium Medical Report Even for the most seasoned Floridian, some summer days can be intolerable, and as the summertime temperatures rise here in Southwest Florida, heat-related illnesses become a real risk. Internal Medicine Physician Yvonne Braver, M.D., has tips so a hot day doesn’t turn into a trip […]
Watch Now Most of us don’t even think twice about grabbing the sunblock, but our skin is not the only body part that needs protection. Our eyes also need some shade to protect them from permanent sun damage. “Not protecting your eyes from the sun can lead to a lot of issues,” says Family […]
By Brian Zelis, M.D. Family Medicine Physician The CDC has cleared COVID-19 vaccinated Americans to travel again, and travel confidence is on the rise. TripAdvisor reports more than 67 percent of Americans are planning to travel this summer. If you’re hitting the road, or skies or rails, COVID-19 shouldn’t be your only concern. Vaccinated? […]
It’s probably too early to say if the COVID-19 Pandemic will affect flu vaccination rates this year. For the coming flu season, the CDC recommends everyone older than six months without a conflicting health condition should get a flu vaccine to protect them and the people around them and to help reduce the strain […]
Millions of people get the flu every year, several thousand are hospitalized, and manythousands die from flu-related issues. Getting your flu vaccination can help keep you safe from this potentially-serious virus. But people still find excuses to not get the shot. “In today’s environment, with so much access to information, people believe everything they […]
August 2, 2021– Collier County Medical Society’s outgoing board president Rebekah Bernard, M.D., passed the gavel to Millennium Physician Group’s Chief Medical Officer Alejandro Perez-Trepichio, M.D. Dr. Perez-Trepechio began his one-year term as the 64th CCMS board president at the virtual meeting on July 24th. “I am very grateful to my colleagues for electing […]
We’re happy to announce the expansion of our radiology team in Port Charlotte with the addition of Paul Ratcliff, D.O.